Happy Halloween 07

Maya celebrated her 2nd Halloween by...wait...for...it...getting sick. Man, I was...uhmm, I mean SHE so was looking forward to showing off her costume this year. She woke up the day before with a wicked runny nose and a deep cough. Doctor said no ear infection, just a virus. Rest and time is the only cure. No antibiotics.
By mid morning, Maya was doing better, runny nose stopped and she was less fussy. We took off to daycare so that she could trick-or-treat with her classmates. After a short while she began to get fussy so we left before the pot luck and pony ride. Yes, every year they have a pony for the kids to ride. Oh well, figured lunch and a nap before the doctor was in her best interest.

This past Sunday, before the sickness, Maya met her friends Aya and Tiffany for Trick-or-Treating at Sea World.
So, no pony ride this year but double Trick-or-Treating.