Thursday, April 27, 2006
Did You Know...Gumbo
Gumbo is Louisiana's signature stew, says Corie Brown in The Los Angeles Times, "no two gumbos taste the same." What makes its distinctive blend of seafood, meat, and vegetables uniquely flavorful is the combination of French cooking technique and ingredients that originated in Africa. Creoles, with their roots both in slavery and European colonialism, look on gumbo as an essential part of their heritage.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Doggie Picture : Spring

Weekend Dog Blogging: Check out all the great doggie pictures over at Sweetnicks.
*All work shown is copyrighted. Duplication of this photo is not authorized without the written permission from Robwonton™ or its owners.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
With the end of the NBA regular season, comes the end of the NBA fantasy league. With that being said, it was a sweep for me this year in basketball league. It did come down to the last day of play in both leagues.

Props to Wah who placed THIRD in the NBA USA NOW! league. Remember to make checks payable to me. Thanks Bitches!

Props to Wah who placed THIRD in the NBA USA NOW! league. Remember to make checks payable to me. Thanks Bitches!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Maya : Week 3

My little girl has more stinky gas than I do. Seriously. I'm so proud [tear]. Life has consisted of endless diaper changes and feedings. Maya has been a puzzle we are still trying to figure out. What calms her down, what makes her sleep, what makes her poop...what a life. [Yawn] Posting has been hard. Lack of sleep has me I have the focus of a fly.

Thanks to Professor McKinnion and family for the coolest baby bib EVER! Thanks to Anna for the bottle of Glenlivet [tear] and great gifts.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Did You Know...Eggs
In one day, an egg stored in room temperature will age the same amount as if it were kept five days in a refrigerator.
Brown eggs are no healthier than white. The color of an egg simply reflects the breed of the hen.
Brown eggs are no healthier than white. The color of an egg simply reflects the breed of the hen.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Maya : Week 2

It has been amazing how fast she has already grown. Some of her new born features are already fading. We have not let her (or us) sleep more than few hours without feeding and changing. Thanks to Helen Agoo for coming to help us out. Thanks to JoeyS for taking some great pictures. Congrats to T & Amy Loggins who are expecting again.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Maya Picture : You Suck

"You Suck"
Maya made this face yesterday during her diaper change. Apparently we were not wiping correctly. Hey, gooey poo takes time to clean.

All was well after the diaper change was completed.
*All work shown is copyrighted. Duplication of this photo is not authorized without the written permission from Robwonton™ or its owners.
Doggie Picture : I See Spots

"I See Spots"
Weekend Dog Blogging: Check out all the great doggie pictures over at Sweetnicks.
*All work shown is copyrighted. Duplication of this photo is not authorized without the written permission from Robwonton™ or its owners.
Healthier French Fries
It's true: French Fries-even homemade ones-can be bad for more than your wasteline. At high temperatures, the glucose and asparagine in potatoes can form acrylamide, a potential carcinogen. What to do? Soak raw potatoes in hot water (158 degrees) for 40 minutes before cooking. Doing so will reduce the acrylamide level by 90 percent.
-Virginia Sole-Smith
-Virginia Sole-Smith