Maya Picture : You Suck

"You Suck"
Maya made this face yesterday during her diaper change. Apparently we were not wiping correctly. Hey, gooey poo takes time to clean.

All was well after the diaper change was completed.
*All work shown is copyrighted. Duplication of this photo is not authorized without the written permission from Robwonton™ or its owners.
What a beautiful child! And how you managed to catch that face, I'll never know.
Congratulations on your baby, Maya! I wish you and your family much happiness.
maybe she was making the face out of sympathy for you having to wipe up her gooey poo.
btw, she's adorable.
What a beautiful, beautiful baby! Thanks for sharing your pics with the rest of the world. (Make the most of her, she'll be a door slamming teenager befor you know it!)
That is a Rob Wong face if Ive ever seen one! Hilarious!!!
ssoooooo cute
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