Maya : Week 42

Maya woke up to a 102 degree fever this weekend. Maya was sweaty and hot with a steady stream of snot running out her nose. After consulting our library of baby books we decided it was best to take her to Urgent Care. Pan gave her a dose of Baby Tylenol and Maya and I were out the door.
Six hours at Urgent Care, three anal temperature readings(two while sleeping), a catheter to draw a urine sample, a chest x-ray. Diagnosis...No ear infection, no bladder infection, no pneumonia. Just a cold. Alternate baby Tylenol and baby Motrin, every three hours. Sheesh. I want my six hours back.

On a lighter note. Ana came for a visit from SF. We got Cajun at Bud's (Crawfish is in season), we also went to Oceanaire for "Restaurant Week" (very disappointing) and lastly, to Flemings for Sunday only Prime Rib (two price increases in the past year). It was great to hang out. Maya enjoyed meeting Auntie Ana. Thanks for visiting Ana and thanks for finally finishing off your bottle of Absolut in the freezer! Congrats to our friend Margarita, she is expecting this summer.
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