Maya : Week 41

Jet-lag...over. New adventure begins. Monday...Maya crawls six inches to grab a toy. Pan and I cheering her on. Tuesday...Maya crawls six feet across the play area. Holy Poo Poo. Today...when I pick Maya up from Daycare, her care giver Yo informs me that Maya stood up by herself for the first time. At this rate Maya will be riding a freaking bike by the end of the month. Sheesh.
My buddy JoeyS always tells me he thinks that I am obsessed with Maya's poo. So for Christmas, he custom screen printed a one of a kind one-piece bodysuit (pictured above). Soft-serve, fuzz, flies and all...glorious!

Where the magic happens.
He should have put the word "Poo" down farther on the suit (Kinda where it actually comes out, hehe) but it is funny just the same.. hehe
She is very cute!
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