Maya : Week 27

"Mmmmm...rice cereal...GOOD...[Burp!]. Yogurt...Blah...[Gag], get that !@*% outta my face." Those were Maya's words during one of her feedings. Well, its what I imagined she said, by her expressions. The yogurt, containing good bateria, is to help a possible sour stomach. You see, our little girl is going through a faze of nothing but poopy diapers...[Gag].
My friend Joey, after reading my blog, commented the other day that he thought I was a little too obsessed with POOP. Hey, poop is like my second job. Between Maya, Buddy, Choco, Mocha...and my job, I am constantly dealing with poop. "And thats all I gotta say about that." [Forrest Gump voice]
I also had a insect bite that got infected this past week. Not fun. Multi trips to Urgent Care. Couple of painful cuts [I almost cried...SNIFF] and two antibotic IVs later, I am on the road to recovery. Man, that took a lot out of me. Pan to the rescue...again. I love you Pan!
Thanks to all the people who called to check on me, it really ment a lot.
What an awesome little FACE! SO cute.
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