Sunday, December 04, 2005

Wake Up...Suckwad!!!

You ever wake up from a deep sleep but not open your eyes right away?

I was up to 2 am putting together a piece of furniture after what was already a long and exhausting day. I was dreding the next day because I knew I would be really sore. My back and knee were aching. I was asleep before my head it the pillow.

I awoke this morning feeling aches and pains in parts of my body I was expecting and some in areas I did not expect. I was half asleep, still with my eyes closed, wishing for a few more hours of sleep. I suddenly realize that the aches and pains was not the reason I woke up...there was a funky smell. Like fermented, sweaty socks or rotten fish.

Alarms went off in my head. As I slowly open my eyes, I see Buddy, Mocha and Choco sitting patiently, their faces inches away from me. Staring at me. Panting. It was a buffet of rank dog breath I was smelling. The doggies were telling me,"Get Up & Take US Out...Suckwad!"

Mental Note : Brush Doggie's Teeth!


Blogger Cate said...

Too funny!

6:43 PM  

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