Japan Trip

Seat belt light is off.

Maya finally fell asleep 45 minutes before landing.

Asahi...[burp]...wish they would import it to the states again. You can really taste the difference.

Tako Wasabi, my new favorite dish to eat with sake.

Japanese Tea Ceremony food.

Tonkatsu. Perfectly cooked.

Grocery Store Sushi for 499 yen, better than 75% of the sushi restaurants in the states.

Delivery Sushi. Just leave the container outside by the front door when finished.

Every single piece was the best I can remember having. I actually used the Gari to clean my taste palate, so that I could savor the next piece. The sushi was so good that we went back a few days later.

The only disappointment foodwise this whole trip. For the money, I would not try this again.

Yebisu's answer to Guiness. Not bad.
The trip went by so quick. Every morning I would walk to the 7-11 and get a Onigiri and small Boss Latte. Every evening we would stop at the corner butcher shop, where at 5pm the wife would set up for Yakitori.
We were better prepared for the flight back. Maya slept about four of the eight and a half flight. I actually got to watch a movie. Both Maya and I were jetlagged for a week. Up at 2-3am, dropped Maya off at daycare, sleepwalk through work. Seriously, I don't how I made it through that week.
that's a lot of beer...is asahi clean? i tried guinness and although it tastes ok, it's a little sour.
What was on the pizza? At first I thought it was a crazy-looking okonomiyaki...
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