Maya : Week 12

Pan thinks that Maya said a word today. "Mmmm-Ma". Hovered over the crib Pan was so happy..."Mmmm-Ma, Mmmm-Ma." I rushed over to hear my little girl speak.
(staring into my eyes, smiling)
Maya: ..."Mmmm...Mmmm...Mmmmm-ccia."
Pan: See she said "Mmmm-ma."
Me: No, sounded like she is saying "Mmmmm-ccia".
Pan: Mmmm-ccia? As in Miuccia? Miuccia Prada? (looking down at Maya even more proudly)
Three months old, and Maya's first word is the first name of a famous designer of high-end womens clothing. I want to cry.
Me: No were right, she said "Mmmm-Ma".
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