June Wedding

The month of June has been a blur. Besides the move, this happened to be a very busy month for both Pan and I at work. Sucky Sucky. The end of June also brought Ray and Anna's wedding. With tux in hand, I dropped the dogs off at boarding, packed the diaper bag, loaded the car, and hit the road to Pasadena.

Maya kept Pan busy throughout the whole ceremony. Don't let the cuteness fool you, she has energy to spare and the attention span of...well...a toddler.

I think the groomsmen did a wonderful job. They kept guests happy and hydrated. Performed their parts as scripted. Absolutely wonderful. Amazing. [Pats self on back]

Picture were taken after. Maya was a little doll. No out bursts or crys. Just a steady stream of slobber and snot from cutting teeth.

It was wonderful to have most of my family here. Most we don't get to see until Thanksgiving. Maya got to hang with our east coast clan.

The best part of most weddings? Say it with me...OPEN...BAR. Being a veteran groomsman, I had a few Glenlivets already in my system.
Sipping my Maker's Mark on the rocks, feeling the stress of this past month disappear, I watched husband and wife dance, maybe June is not so bad.
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