Tuesday, December 20, 2005

House of Pan : Peanut Butter Doggie Biscuits

Buddy, Choco and Mocha decided that they wanted to do something special for their friends this holiday. They, along with Pan, thought that it would be great if I baked some doggie biscuits. Our loft was turned into a biscuit making sweat shop...with me as the lone worker. Talking about slave labor. No bathroom breaks. It was non stop baking.

After the baking was done and the biscuits were cooling on the racks, I was instructed to work on the packaging. Buddy art directed, constantly looking over my shoulder, tweaking the layout. After many many many revisions, the label was approved, packaging completed and my weekend over.

The doggies were very pleased with the end result and I am certain that their friends will be pleased as well.

*All work shown is copyrighted. Duplication of these photos is not authorized without the written permission from Robwonton™ or its owners.


Blogger Kelvin said...

Slave labour ??? What are you complaining about - you got to eat all the broken biscuits, didn't you ? What more do want ?

11:10 PM  
Blogger robwonton said...

Mmm...dog biscuits. Under the watchful eye of Buddy, I was not allowed to snack.

2:57 PM  

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